I wanted to let you know that I completely empathize with you. We have so many responsibilities and roles we play now than how it was when we were children.
It's quite easy to get distracted and lose sight of the bigger picture. We try to do our best, but the best may not be enough in other people's eyes or our own. We get in the cycle of giving so much that we lose ourselves in the process.
The noise of life can get in the way if we let it.
One thing I learned and have practiced more consistently is to gift myself quality time to be still. Every few months, I would go away for a day or two or three and restore my mind, body, heart, and soul. It would be just me with no kids and no husband. I get to connect with me again.
In a way, it was my continuing education to know myself more, to see if I am in alignment with my heart, be more purposeful and present, and to have the depth of clarity on how I can give back to myself, my family, friends, and community with love and joy.
In essence, it is time to be still and be the visionary of your life.
The invitation is open to those desiring stillness, growth, restoration, heart and soul development, and cultivation of presence and purpose.
With the world as it is, the importance of being the Beacons of Light in our life is crucial. Every day is an opportunity for us to be an instrument of change in the world. Sometimes changing the world begins in our inner world and then ripples out to our home and into our community.
Remember, your presence is the most significant gift that impacts lives every day. Give yourself the attention you need to be your best because, in the end, that is all that matters to those you love and those you would love to inspire.
Blessings, love, and joy,
Dr. Jaena